Zuri's Circle Milk Egg and Bread Challenge

Have you joined the challenge? Challenge your friends, co-workers, family members to do the Milk, Eggs and Bread challenge! Zuri's Cricle is challenging you to help us collect donation of gift cards to any grocery store for $10.
This gift card will be added to the families food boxes to help with the purchase of Milk, Eggs and Bread. This is a great and easy way to give staple foods to the family without them spoiling.
Our challenge with the help of all of you is to collect 70 -100 $10 gift cards to
Fry's, Safeway, Albertsons etc. to give to families in need to purchase Milk, Eggs and Bread! Do you except this challenge?
Step 1 go to Any local food store purchase a $10 gift card.
Step 2 post a picture with you and the gift card hashtag ‪#‎zuriscirclemilkeggbreadchallenge‬ then challenge your friends to do the the same. Spreading the word.
Step 3 then mail it to P.O Box 3081 Peoria Az 85380 Zuri's Circle ATTN: Milk, Egg, Bread Challenge
Step 4 Keep Spreading the word.
Everyone who participates will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a Zuri's Circle Shirt and 2 movie passes.
That's it! Your donation will be added to food boxes that are delivered to families, individuals, vets and the homeless. ‪