AmTrust Bank is excited to celebrate Arizona kids who are making a positive impact in their communit
"We are very happy to celebrate Zuri as an AmTrust Bank Caring Kid, and hope that she continues to be an inspiration! " "We were...

Az Nonprofit Expo 2016
AzNonprofitExpo 2016 was wonderful! Can't wait for 2017, if you missed it get signed up for next year at www.aznonprofitexpo.com. We...

Annie The Owl
Zuri's Circle local non profit organization has partnered with Avon Representative Tamara Ortiz this holiday season! For $20 you receive...

Zuri's Circle Shirts
Zuri's Circle Shirts on Sale Now! $20 a shirt. Your purchase helps Zuri's Circle help families, homeless and others in need. To order...